Friday, July 3, 2009

Class #2 July 1st Mark Heninger

Happy 4th of July weekend to everyone! Please post and comment on this class.

Thank you for all the great comments for the first class. I will be responding to the all.

Tangentially related to our course, I had a fascinating meeting in Chicago with Adam Siegel, the Co-Founder of , which is a crowdsourced "prediction marketplace" useful for consumer insight and in some cases, a form of advertising itself.

Angelica will post her summary of the class as well.

Please start choosing and asking approval on your book report and course presentation. Several have asked about BLINK and TIPPING POINT. I think I have to take the off the list. I think Mr. Gladwell makes great points that inform many thing related to our subject but I don't believe the books are relevant enough in light of so many more pertinent works available.
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Life is beautiful! said...

Honestly I have no idea how to choose the book and topic. Do we have to buy the book? Could you suggest some topics that we can choose from? I find it's difficult for me. :(

Any advice would be appreciated!

Stuart W. Volkow said...

Focus on what you are most interested in for career or academics and I can suggest something, peruse the bookstore or search AMAZON yourself..

How I Graduated From Berkeley In Two Years said...

Summery of Mark's lecture: Part 1

Discussed different news articles about technology
• Variety-china wipes out green dam rollout
• RIAA sues woman for songs, 80,000 per infraction
• Eminem sued UMG, wanted extra money per download

Marks email is
• facebook: Mark Heni

• labels are turning to fan management
• Marks wants music free
• its all about the experience that people want to pay for like a membership example: prince, john Mayer
• Calypso giving out CDs (as well as prince) just to get record sales on billboard, and to get fans to come to their concert

What is the value of free?
• Piracy is great for the movie biz because it brings awareness to film
• people go to movies to see it on the big screen, not the little one

Life cycle of a film
• theaters
• airplane release
• pay-per-view
• network release

Ownership issue
• want it anywhere and anytime, where is the future going?

• most important thing
• index from pre production and beyond
• can use data for online data search
• you can control that, then you can control the media
• "piracy is good until further notice"

Monetize your film
• green back of cereal box and put in whatever you want in it
• know DVD sales not strong point, find other ways to get your film searched for and marketed by internal content

• 20 million tweets in 2 min, first time news reported to people faster than from a network
• 2.6 million downloads on iTunes in one week, no downloads over 1 million in one week before

Obama Inauguration
• 27 million watched that day (MJ's funeral beat this one, his was watched by 31 million in the US alone)
• 7.7 million simultaneous streams

Cell Phones
-changing the world

How I Graduated From Berkeley In Two Years said...

Part 2:
Mark the man
- created isports app on iphone
- app is shell and gives out data of sports facts in real time in a graphical way

- now to deal with users posting on an app
- example of a nude picture posted of a girl who is underage, and she posted it herself

How cable companies make money
-get more customers
-make more from each one

How cable companies work
-time Warner / Comcast work in certain areas
-Verizon and att are chosen by choice by the consumer, and are charged to make transfer
-should they create a digital locker?
-is the fabric breaking apart?

Cable vs. Fiber
-cable can be slowed down by neighbors excessive use
-address it by tier pricing

One Wilshire-giant local area network
-all internet data sent there and sent out to pacific rim and east coast
-Carlyle group owns it
-they sell air, power, real estate

Mark wants to take us there on a field trip-to one Wilshire

-June 5th French filmmaker did an environmental documentary called "Home" and he put it everywhere the same day, YouTube, gave it to schools etc... to give out a message, and can help DVD sales worldwide

DVD and CD
- now are archive and transfer systems

Boone Darkly
-website is a YouTube video

Baby Einstein’s
- started with Wal-Mart
-2/3 dollars for DVD to make
-sold to Disney
use public domain music, my question is - but did she have to pay for the artists who played the music?

Project Natal
-3 dimensional camera that pick up voice and face and it talks back

"Big Dog"
- cool video about a robot mule on YouTube

our relationship with media is changing

How I Graduated From Berkeley In Two Years said...

Part 3:
be afraid or not?

Presentation: Pushing pink pixels for profit:

where did the adult internet boom happen?
- 1993 sex phone hotlines
-computers and phone lines could be used for web hosting
- subscription based models
-want cheap to get content

Ubento: free hardrive
- use Google docs

Acquiring content
- membership/cc, live cams
-custom shot
-purchase packages
-leased content

Individual pages now
- market the star

- jpegs/gifs
-tape to digital
- avi, wmv, java
- massive amounts of data

-can create small servers

Major players got in the game
- hustler went online and failed because could not mange the hard drives
- other companies outsourced it all
- reliability issues
- massive content seen like never before

Syndication model
- Ken Tares (in jail now) started reoccurring billing but billing people and then returned the money he billed them and had a positive database of money

Outsourced credit cards
-porn sites have to use a third party billing service
- 15 percent of each subscription goes to them
- check on payment status and passwords/have a call center/ and scrubs cc
- banks refuse to scrub the cc

Leasing content
- create packages of content
- the content links with leased people and pays for access for content so they don't store the content either

Affiliate marketing
- subscription management on sharing info for content
- creating affiliate code
- software exchange

How I Graduated From Berkeley In Two Years said...

Part 4:
- if you are an ASO and use software, package of content
- outsider-software-aso-then takes them over to the website and makes 35$ per sale or 50% of recurring revenue, average rate of stay three months
- since 1996
-face-study on prices say 4.95 had the best retention rate and stayed for 3 minutes or longer
- buying domain names and driving them toward content

Check out met art
- marketing standardization

Worked for VCA
-created social media network for doctors/pet hospitals

- made 1 million off of twittering

Future of Porn industry
- membership for porn stars and individualized experiences

Adult company
- got hacked
- ASO, adult site operated, gives key and match third party arbitraging the event
- hackers now with flash area need to encrypt content

- not allowed to have adult site and check cards scrub cards, so third party billing systems created for that
- visa takes and deposit accordingly from third party sites

Adult Verification Services
- marketing
- AVS scrubs card and makes sure legal age
- so ASO uploads for free in AVS and get %

Commission Junction
- get commission from banner 15-30%

People making money through these affiliate models
- can track traffic with Google analytics

- cost per million

- cost per list

- cost per click