Saturday, June 27, 2009

Summer Quarter Class #1, Next Class, Reading Assignment

Welcome to the Summer Quarter! Our class of 46 students has a great cross section of interests and careers represented.

Please be sure to download and review the Syllabus and let us know if there are any questions or additional topics that you want covered.
Here is the TRENDS presentation which I began, and will continue on July 8th.

In the first class I covered the Syllabus including course obj
ectives, topics, and the assignments. Three of the assignments are designed to encourage class participation:
  • Discussion Article
  • Media Diary
  • Mystery Shopper
The other 2 are will also fuel discussions, allow you to go deeper into subjects of interest, and form a broader basis for your grades:
  • Book Report
  • Elevator Pitch or Research Paper.

I have created an Amazon bookstore for the course. Please select a book from here, or suggest one. Please get approval on a book for your book report, and on your topic for the research paper.

Please take advantage of the opportunities to get to know each other, network, and learn from each other.

In the first class we we fortunate to have Tammara Holzman as our guest speaker. She provided valuable insight into the online/Interactive advertising world and shared here experience
with AVVENTA Worldwide , a large Interactive agency that provides services to some large ad agencies such as DIGITAS as well as directly to large advertisers such as General Motors. They create campaigns for entertainment, publishing, sports and other sectors. They keep personnel costs low by maintaining offices and tech teams in Costa Rica.

She pointed out
how complex the Interactive ad business has become with so
many technologies and metrics and how it is constantly changing. "Internet used to added value for advertisers, now it is considered essential by advertisers."

We began discussion threads regarding audience fragmentation and the decreasing effectiveness of the 30 second spot.

Next week's class will be given by guest Instructor MARK HENNINGER, founder and President of 11AMPS . Mark has Co-Instructed the class for the past 2 years and will deliver his lecture on THE HISTORY OF CONTENT which covers the origins of radio, television and the Internet up through the present.

In preparation for this class, also please read the first two sections of my white paper:
Overview of the Entertainment Industry in The U.S.: History, Business, Technology, Trends, and check out these two timelines which will put things in perspective and which we will refer to for the rest of the quarter.
Thats Mark on the right below.

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