Saturday, March 29, 2008

Last Class (#12) Winter 2008

Thanks for a great quarter! The final class was jam packed with great pitches. Some of the best were:

• Ozan’s witty DIGI-THINK presentation of futuristic direct brain interfaces may indeed happen. Check out
• Andrew’s innovative Rumor exchange
• Laureen and Jennifer presented home stay exchange and social network complete with layouts and mock-ups.
• Kahraman’s code-safe security device (written)
• We also heard about several content distribution models including Any and Raquel who want satellite TV wherever they go and Evghenia who wants unlimited content for a flat monthly subscription.

I summed up the course through a 50,000 foot view of some of the largest companies in the media and entertainment industry in the US ( Media Mega Corps ).

We can see how they are formulating interactive strategies through reorganizations and acquisitions. We can also see how the companies are vertically and horizontally integrated. For example GE, which has the largest market cap of all the media giants, owns Universal Studios and NBC, both a large film studio a TV Network and individual TV Stations. NBC is also a partner in HULU with NewsCorp and a $100 million Equity Partner, Providence. Comcast is partners with Sony on its stake in the the largest movie library from MGM, which is also partly owned by Providence. Content companies know they must be in all mediums: Film, TV, Publishing, Internet. They must seek the synergies and minimize piracy and cannibalization of their traditional businesses. They are often at odds within themselves.

Ah the tangled webs we weave. My friend Philippa Burgess from Creative Convergence ( points out how the entire entertainment business has transformed over the past 10 years and all the silos have been broken down. TV Actors and properties cross into features and vica versa. Properties also cross over into games and publishing. CATV has become a rival to the broadcast networks for original series. All players are attempting to understand the impact of the Internet as the WGA strike so aptly pointed out.

It has been great having everyone in class and we look forward to staying in touch! Sphere: Related Content

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