Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer 08 Class #1 - Intro

Welcome to the Class. We have a small and interesting group! Your intros are summarized below:
  • Day works on media for the XPrize Foundation. Hard to work for a more interesting place than that! She needs help on choosing a CMS / DAM with web services and is interested in the broad scope. She has a background as a doc producer for National Geo.
  • Daryl come big corporate Boeing and is finishing the Management Cert.
  • Shannon works in traditional Film and TV production and is interested in cross training for interactive. She recommends the book EVERYTHING THAT's BAD IS GOOD FOR YOU.
  • Tiffany handles digital asset publishing and traffic for Disney.
  • Monet is our number cruncher on International TV from Sony
  • Charles is developing CMS platforms at MySpace and FIM.
  • Dominique is getting certs in Producing and Directing
  • Vincente Produces for MTV News
  • Melanie is working in production and getting her producing Cert.
  • Misha is looking for his next gig fresh from a nightmare PA job.
  • Steve is a publicist ready to take advantage of the Internet and the Digital Milieu
  • Deg is working on a broadband start-up after a tenure as a product manager at Microsoft
  • Susan is a QA Engineer and horse trainer getting her cert and ready for online business ventures
We covered the syllabus, attempting to clarify the course objectives and assignments. Daryle will take the mystery shopping assignment for a HD TV, monet will compare Time Warner CATV to DirecTV.

I covered the first megatrends including some basic stats:
of the 6.6 Billion people in the world there are 2.5 billion mobile devices, 1.3 billion people use the Internet. Of 116 million US HHs, about half have broadband and YouTube is the World's 4th most visited site. The Middle East and Africa are the regions with the fastest Internet usage growth rates followed by Asia. Wireless is destined to become the most common way of getting online.

I recommend this podcast for the application of Social Media to PR: Sphere: Related Content